(This is a copy of my Facebook post from the 31.12.2022)
People, please get a yearly, simple health check-up – It literally saved my life.
This picture was taken 2 hours before my cancerous prostate was removed on Nov 28th, 2022.
Being diagnosed with the scary “C” word in July, was devastating news for my loved ones and obviously me. The first reaction was “Ok, that was it.”, but it turns out: Cancer does not equal cancer – so many details matter and can be a game changer. And “Yes”, it took me a while of acceptance it and to actually write “Cancer” in messages. The first time I typed it, it was very hard…it became so real.
A routine check-up was the start of a few shocks, the unknown, many tests and stress. But I also learned so much about Prostate Cancer with time. The first doctor that was terrible at communicating (like so many of them) and caused us unnecessary extra stress and terrible moments due to him not explaining what matters. Turns out Prostate Cancer, like e.g. breast cancer, is very much treatable IF discovered early. Mine was discovered early – during a routine check-up (I also felt something was slightly off ahead).
In Summer 2022 a simple blood test during the check-up showed a high PSA value – back then I had no idea what PSA means (Prostate-Specific Antigen). Then many tests, MRs, CTs and a biopsy later we knew: Aggressive 4mm tumor in my prostate.
The process was time-consuming. The SGK I pay since over 15 years demanded ridiculous paperwork to get scans and to avoid paying my CT, due to the fact that I am a foreigner and the private insurance did not cover all either – of course. Consumer rights aren´t the best, similar to the US system apparently. (Germans – be very aware how lucky we are – even if there are big problems at the moment.)
I am so thankful to my dear family, friends and relatives that supported me during the journey. Thank YOU again – I meant so much to me.
Some great people that have had the same “problem” and offered their knowledge and/or even started support groups, have been a huge help. I am very open with my situation and happy to talk to anyone in need.
During the whole time, I also felt sorry for my dear Ceyda and Maya. For the people around you, it is sometimes even harder, it seems. They want to be strong for you and you for them – being open and direct is a relieve. But having them around me made me so happy. Talking about my situation was my therapy, but at some point I stopped telling people. Why? Well, some meant well, but reacted so “abstract” that it was literally harder to handle them than the sickness itself. “Please, just treat it like a bad flue.” is what I started to say, if I told someone.
Cancer is a brutal worldwide plague.
I am one of the lucky ones: My post operation reports suggest that I might even be “clean/healed” – but time will show. This means, for now, I need no chemo or radiation therapy – so my hairstyle wont suffer!!! (Yes, sorry guys, I never lost my corny humor in the past months! In fact I made really terrible jokes about my situation – my gallows humor). The cancer cells had not spread beyond my prostate, thanks to the check-up it was discovered early. Sure, I have to live with the post operation situation of a prostate removal and it is not fun. Incontinence and erection problems – some never recover but most do mostly after 3-18 months (So much material for evil jokes I can make about myself here!)
BUT HEY, in short: I will live. Well… unless I walk on the street and a piano (comic style! hehe) falls on my head or something like that. Carpe Diem.
I learned so much in the past months. Now I know where and what the prostate is and does! (Never bothered to find out before) I know, many more details about medical values and that a shocking huge number of men get prostate cancer every year and it is deadly within some years if not treated.
What I always knew and did, is: GET HEALTH CHECK UPS – women and men – latest at age 40/45 (people with cancer history in the family earlier) I was never scared of Covid, but always of “the big upcoming earthquake” and cancer…
So much more to write and say…but enough.
Already at the age of 13, when I had to cope with painful rheumatism for 2 years, I learned the hard way the value of “good health”. Being healthy means being very rich and lucky. Physically and psychological.
I wish you all there a very pain free, healthy and wonderful happy new year.
For all those fighting to get back to good health, and I know many friends are struggling, I send you and your loved ones all my positive energy. Do not give up and get well soon. May 2023 be YOUR healthy and happy year.
#prostatecancer #cancer #checkuptime #GetScreened4Cancer